Part-Worn Tyres

Safe to re-use & re-sell or second hand waste?

Second-hand tyres are often seen as a more cost-effective alternative to purchasing brand new tyres. Yet unregulated second-hand tyres could have a far greater cost, exposing consumers and road users to a major hazard.

As good corporate citizens, tyre fitment centres and tyre sales dealers have a responsibility to ensure that any second-hand tyre being sold complies with the South African National Standard (SANS 10408:2018) to ensure the safety of their customers and all road users.

Being able to recognise a safe-for-use second-hand tyre is essential. The sale of a worn tyre that is deemed below the safe-for-use standards and that should have been scrapped, will not only endanger the life of the road-user but may also constitute breaking the law, with the dealer liable for conviction for a period not exceeding 15 years, or a fine or both.

It's important to understand what makes tyre safe to re-use, and when a tyre should be scrapped. To find out more, please download our helpful guides below, or watch our videos: